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Niko Ashkzar Industrial Town , Yazd

The importance of using anti-salinity and soil strengthening fertilizers with regard to the issue of saline soils in Iran

Due to the location of Iran in arid and semi-arid regions, as well as climate change and climate and declining groundwater levels, the issue of soil and water salinity and soil salinization and the use of solutions to prevent or solve these problems It is a vital issue.
When the purpose of cultivation in Iranian soils is considered, there will be problems, the most important of which are: High salinity – high pH as well as low soil organic matter.

Anti-salinity fertilizers and soil and water modifiers of hydrokimia are suitable solutions to eliminate soil salinity and strengthen and nourish the soil.

Objectives of HydrokimiaIndustrial Green Colloids Company


Study, review and scientific analysis of soil and water salinity


Provide economic, optimal and scientific solutions to solve the problem of soil and water salinity


Production and presentation of guaranteed products to eliminate soil and water salinity, and strengthen and nourish the soil

Characteristics of hydrokimiaproducts

Salt and salinity are barriers to root absorption. Remove the barrier and your roots will absorb the nutrients

(Release the salt around the root, the root will do everything else)

Hydrokimia products

If you have any questions, suggestions in the field of anti-salinity fertilizers or willing to cooperate in the production of scientific articles, production of products to eliminate soil and water salinity, as well as issues related to soil strengthening, please contact us.

The latest scientific articles in the field of anti-salinity and soil strengthening

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