Hydro-K50 liquid potassium fertilizer

Hydro-K50 liquid potassium fertilizer

Potassium fertilizer chelated with nitrogen

  • High purity potassium
  • Chelated with EDTA
  • Enriched with nitrogen and other micronutrients

General introduction:

A potassium solution with high analysis and purity to correct potassium deficiency in a wide range of crops.

Potassium is a major nutrient required by all agricultural crops. It is the second product after nitrogen in required amounts. This element is very mobile and quickly distributed inside the plant.

The main role of potassium in plants is as a water regulator, and in this role it affects many plant processes. It is especially important in regulating cell water content, cell strength and transpiration rate. The transport of photosynthesis elements and a number of plant enzymes all depend on potassium.


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Comparison to other foreign fertilizers

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3 4 (N)Nitrogen
1 2 EDTA
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3 4 (N)Nitrogen
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